Announcing New Web Conference Room Master Distributors

Released on = March 19, 2007, 8:40 am

Press Release Author = Barefoot in the Garden

Industry = Small Business

Press Release Summary = A Business Lesson learned the hard way, an announcement
about making the Cut

Press Release Body = Last night in the Veretekk web conference room Tom P. announced
the new Vereconference master distributors team. It was a good lesson for all of
those who originally stepped up to the plate and said they wanted to be a master
distributor. Many of the original team didn\'t follow through and do what they were
instructed to do, and late yesterday afternoon they were cut from the team.

The web conference room forum is now open only to master distributors who made the
cut! Everyone else can just watch from the sidelines as the web conference room
forum continues to feed Google with information it likes about web conference rooms.

About a week ago Cindy McAasey tried to play mother hen and tried motivate those who
she could see failing to do the tasks to stay a MD. Many stepped up to the plate and
did a few posts, but then fell off again and didn\'t stay with it. To qualify to
remain on the team all it took was 10 posts to the web conference room forum. Really
not that many at all over a 2 week period.

Many of the MD distributors had the time to post all day long to the exclusive skype
MD team, but didn\'t come over and post to the forum. It\'s really sad... because
posting to a forum is really no different than writing a text message on skype.
"Here they would have gotten credit for iit didn\'t take a rocket scientist to figure
that one out." Said McAsey.

Being on the web conference room team is listening and following directions. Many
just weren\'t ready to take on writing about and promoting web conference rooms. For
Cindy McAsey it comes very natural, she lives, eats and breathes web conference
rooms on a daily basis, hosting several trainings a week, and reporting on a few
other trainings a week. Educating the public about web conference rooms is just
like having a friendly conversation about a good book.

In the near future Tom and Mike will we doing a call for another Master Distributor
team. (Not a web conference room team) Hopefully only the serious will apply,
because they are just waisting their time if they say they are going to do it and go
to web conference room meetings and don\'t follow through. "I hate to say this but if
they run their businesses that way they won\'t be successful. No wonder the
statistics say 98% of the businesses fail." Said McAsey

McAseys personal opinion (and those who attend her web conference room trainings
know this) is their reason for doing their business in the first place isn\'t strong
enough. They have to have a very strong why to be successful in business and until
new business wantabe\'s figure this out they won\'t succeed.

McAsey was on of the Master Distributors successful in making the Cut. "As a
internet marketing strategies trainer in Veretekk I knew I needed to lead by example
and do the work or bow out of the team." Said McAsey.

To learn more about Cindy McAsey and why she does what she does visit:

To get your own free web conference room visit:

Web Site =

Contact Details = Cindy McAsey
1845 Flag Rd.
Abilene , 67410


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